Dr. Wuyang Chen is a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the School of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University, leading the DeLTA Lab. Previously, Dr. Chen was a postdoc researcher in Statistics at the University of California, Berkeley, worked with Professor Michael Mahoney. He obtained his Ph.D. from the ECE Department at UT Austin in 2023, under the supervision of Professor Atlas Wang. Dr. Chen's research focuses on the theoretical understanding of deep learning, with applications in foundation models, AutoML, computer vision, natural language processing, and addressing scientific problems. His work also encompasses domain adaptation/generalization and self-supervised learning. He published papers on CVPR, ECCV, ICLR, ICML, Neurips, etc. Dr. Chen's work on training-free neural architecture design was highlighted as the "Featured Advances in Artificial Intelligence" in the National Science Foundation (NSF) newsletter in 2022. Dr. Chen co-organized the 4th and 5th versions of UG2+ workshop and challenge in CVPR 2021 and 2022. He also holds a position on the board of the One World Seminar Series on the Mathematics of Machine Learning.
wuyang AT sfu.ca
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Theory-accelerated AI, with Implications for Scientific Problems
[Core Method] Theory-accelerated AI
[Core Application] AI-for-Science
- Séminaires RALI-OLST, Université de Montréal, October 2023.
- AIR seminar, Rafik B. Hariri Institute, Boston University, November 2022.
- College of Information and Computer Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst, July 2022.
- Math & Machine Learning Seminar, Boston College, July 2022.
- Deep Learning: Classics and Trends, ML Collective, October 2021.
- AutoML Seminars, ELLIS, April 2021.
- CVPR 2019 oral presentation talk, June 2019.
- Gigapixel Videography in Computer Vision (CVPR 2019), June 2019.
Professional Experience & Activity
Postdoc Researcher, UC Berkeley, June 2023 - present
Advisor: Prof. Michael Mahoney -
Research Intern, Google Brain, May. 2022 - Dec. 2022
Advisor: Dr. Yanqi Zhou, Dr. Nan Du, Dr. Yanping Huang -
Research Intern, Google, Jun. 2021 - May. 2022
Advisor: Dr. Xianzhi Du, Dr. Denny Zhou -
Research Intern, NVIDIA, Jan. 2020 - Aug. 2020
Advisor: Dr. Zhiding Yu, Prof. Anima Anandkumar -
Research Intern, Applied AI Lab, Horizon Robotics, Mar. 2019 - Aug. 2019
Advisor: Dr. Xianming Liu, Yuan Li -
Research Assistant, Visual Informatics Group, Aug. 2019 - May 2023
Advisor: Prof. Zhangyang (Atlas) Wang
Professional Services:
- Workshop Organizer: 5th UG2+ (CVPR 2022) (Chair), 4th UG2+ (CVPR 2021) (Chair), 3rd UG2+ (CVPR 2020)
- Reviewer: ICML, ICCV, Neurips, ICLR, CVPR, TPAMI, WACV, AAAI
Awards and Honors:
- Professional Development Award, University of Texas at Austin, 2022.
- Travel Award, Mathematical/Statistical approaches in DAta Science (MSDAS) Workshop, UT Dallas, 2019.
- Best Student Speaker and Outstanding Researcher, CSST program, UCLA, 2013.
- UCLA CSST Scholarship, 2013
- Gold Medal (Team Leader of 20 members) iGEM, MIT, 2012